If your bodhran drum gets damaged in transit you get a new one. If I may say so myself I have a very quick and good after service, for repairs, re-skining or whatever ,only my own ones though – Brendan White
Taking care of your Bodhran

The bodhran skin is a natural product and sometimes has imperfections such as scars, freckles, etc.
The bodhran needs very little care. Try to keep it out of extreme heat and cold whenever possible. Olive oil, almond oil, bee wax or any other good quality natural oil should be rubbed only on the playing side of the skin. This can be repeated as often as you like. Rub it on, leave it soak in for a couple of minutes and then wipe off the excess. It helps make the skin waterproof and the skin will become very smooth and pleasant to play on. Additionally it also improves the sound.
The application of a breathable waterproof spray to the back side of the skin keeps it clean and waterproof. The spray is available in sports shops for tents, leather jackets, etc.
If and when the back of the skin becomes black and dirty, wash it with lukewarm water and some washing up liquid. Clean with a sponge or cloth and leave to dry overnight.
Don’t get worried when the skin becomes slack and loose, it will pull out during drying. The reason for cleaning the back is to remove salt and dirt from the palm of your hand which soaked into the skin from playing. If it is not cleaned the skin will eventually crack and tear.
Very important: bodhrans with double skins have to be tightened slightly after playing.
I hope you enjoy playing your bodhran for many years.